Recruitment glossary

Learn HR terms and what they mean

The most extensive glossary of definitions used in the recruitment industry.

4-day work week

The four-day work week is a system where employees work four days a week instead of the traditional five. The four-day workweek has been shown to increase productivity and decrease absenteeism, while also giving employees more time to pursue outside interests.


A 401(k) is a retirement savings plan that allows employees to contribute a portion of their paycheck to a tax-deferred account. Employers may also match a portion of employee contributions.

AI recruitment

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the recruitment process by making it more efficient and effective. By automating repetitive tasks such as screening resumes and scheduling interviews, AI allows recruiters to spend more time on strategic tasks such as identifying top talent and assessing cultural fit. AI is also helping to level the playing field by providing equal access to candidates regardless of their location or socio-economic background.

Abandon rate

The abandon rate in recruitment is the percentage of job seekers who start the application process but do not complete it. A high abandon rate can be a sign that the application process is too long or complicated, or that the job is not a good fit for the candidates.


An acqui-hire is when a company acquires another company primarily to acquire their talent.

Active candidate

Active job seeker or active candidate is a job seeker who is actively looking for a job. They are usually unemployed or employed but seeking a new job. They may be actively searching for a job online, attending job fairs, or contacting companies directly.

Actively passive candidate

An actively passive candidate is a candidate who is interested in a company or job, but who is not doing anything to pursue it.


The all-remote model is a type of work arrangement where all employees work remotely, either from home or from co-working spaces. This model is becoming increasingly popular as companies seek to reduce costs and attract and retain talent.

Annualized hours

Annualized hours are the total number of hours worked in a year, divided by the number of weeks in a year.

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a system that automates the hiring process. It allows employers to post job openings and track applicants. It also allows applicants to track their progress through the hiring process.

Applicant files

An applicant file is a collection of information about a job applicant

Applicant flow data

Applicant flow data is data that helps employers understand where their applicants are coming from and how they are flowing through the hiring process. This data can be used to improve the efficiency of the hiring process, identify bottlenecks, and make sure that qualified applicants are not falling through the cracks.

Applicants per hire

The number of applicants per hire is a metric that measures the number of job applicants who are hired for a position. This metric is used to track the effectiveness of recruiting efforts and to identify trends in the labor market.

Aptitude test

Aptitude tests are used to measure someone's learning ability and problem solving skills.

Asynchronous communication

Asynchronous communication is a type of communication where messages are not sent at regular intervals, but are instead sent as they are available. This allows for communication to take place without the need for all parties to be available at the same time, which can make it more efficient.

Atypical employment

Atypical employment is any job that is not a traditional nine-to-five job. This can include jobs that are part-time, temporary, or contract-based. Atypical employment can also refer to jobs that are outside of the traditional workforce, such as gig work or freelance work.

Automated interview scheduler

The automated interview scheduler is a tool that helps schedule and manage interviews. It allows users to create interview schedules, track interview progress, and send interview reminders. The tool also provides a way for interviewers to give feedback and rate candidates.

Behavioral-based interview

Behavioral-based interviewing (BBI) is a an interview technique that evaluates a candidate's past behavior to determine future behavior.

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